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Amberley Primary School

Nurturing Innovation & Aspiration

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House Points
  • Red 1077
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Attendance Board

September whole school attendance:

September attendance by class: Rec AG 96.1% Rec KH 95.6% Y1AB 97.6% Y1R/L 96.4% Y2MN 96.4% Y2CS 95% Y3MM 99.3% Y3HM 96.3% Y4DD 98.5% Y4ML 97.4% Y5BS 98.4% Y5LW 96.6% Y6LT 97.3% Y6LJ 94.9%

Find Us
  • Amberley Primary School,
  • East Bailey,
  • Killingworth,
  • Newcastle-upon-Tyne,
  • Tyne and Wear, NE12 6SQ
  • Mrs A. Coxon, School Business Manager
  • Miss E. Thompson, Admin Assistant
  • Mrs J. Harris, Admin Assistant

Early Years Curriculum

A warm welcome to EYFS!

From this page you will find out a wealth of information about the Early Years Foundation Stage at Amberley Primary School including:

- Curriculum Intent and Design

- Medium Term Plans

- Virtual Tours of Reception and Nursery

- Nursery and Reception welcome booklets

- What National Curriculum subjects look like in EYFS- How we prepare our children for KS1.

- Nursery Admission Information

-Nursery and Reception in action- Spring 1 photos

- SEND Signposting - Parental Support for children with Special Educational Needs


Early Years Foundation Stage Profile


Curriculum Intent


In the Early Years at Amberley Primary School we believe that every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to fulfil their potential. All members of the Foundation Stage team share the same values and practices, placing high importance on creating a calm and caring environment for the children to be in, therefore enabling them to feel happy, safe, respected and confident to enjoy their learning. We intend that our curriculum educates all children in knowledge, skills and understanding to be effective, resilient, curious, independent learners that believe in themselves and their abilities.

At Amberley our curriculum in Early Years ensures that all 7 areas of learning (the 3 prime areas and the 4 specific areas) within the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile are covered and children learn by engaging in well-planned, play based learning activities that meet the developmental needs of all our children. The EYFS provision provides opportunities for our children to independently explore learning opportunities based on their own fascinations as well as structured adult led activities both indoors and outdoors to enable every child to achieve their next steps in learning.

We understand that each child is unique and work in partnership with parents and carers; our open door policy means we are always available to speak to parents and encourage them to share information about their child. This ensures our pupils thrive in school and reach their full potential from their various starting points.

The EYFS provision underpins our school’s three core values; Nurturing, innovation and aspiration by providing a rich learning environment which develops our children’s experiences, attitudes, knowledge, skills, and vocabulary to prepare our children to reach the Early Learning Goals at the end of the Foundations Stage, achieve a good level of development and be school ready, supporting transition into KS1.

Curriculum Implementation


Across our EYFS, we follow the Early Years Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. This Framework specifies the requirement for learning and development in the Early Years and provides prime and specific areas of learning we must cover in our curriculum.


Prime Areas:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Physical Development
  • Communication and Language Development


Specific Areas:

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Art and Design


All areas of the EYFS curriculum are followed and planned for to ensure there is a broad, balanced and progressive learning environment that meets the developmental needs of all our children. Our EYFS curriculum is delivered using an integrated themed approach, however objectives are taught discretely where this is more appropriate and we allow flexibility within our planning so that a child’s unique needs and interests are supported.


Daily guided activities are set up and planned for that cover different aspects of the EYFS curriculum and support children to achieve their next steps in learning. A vital aspect in the development of skills and knowledge is the use of the continuous provision. This means that children are using and developing taught skills throughout the year on a daily/weekly basis.

Our continuous provision offers our pupils stimulating and engaging activities that can be accessed independently, encouraging child initiated play that builds on our pupils’ prior knowledge, taught skills, fascinations and support children in acquiring key life skills, such as independence, innovation, creativity and problem solving.

By planning this way Amberley EYFS provision ensures that our indoor and outdoor learning environments promote the characteristics of Effective Learning:

• playing and exploring - children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’;

• active learning - children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements;

• creating and thinking critically - children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things. 


Staff in EYFS make regular observations of the children’s learning to ensure their achievements are celebrated and next steps are met. These are collected in each child’s Learning Journey.  Observations are noted using the child’s speech as we feel this not only reflects the development of their vocabulary and communication skills but encourages children to understand that their ideas and knowledge is valued, creating confident and articulate learners.


Early Years staff regularly assess, using observations, formative and summative assessment using Development Matters objectives and then ensure our planning, adult interaction and learning environment support children to reach their next steps. Children at all levels are helped to achieve their potential. Those who are most able are challenged and supported through being offered tasks which provide opportunities for greater depth and those who present with a barrier to learning are encouraged and given targeted support to embed skills, to develop at their own pace or simply to learn in a style that best suits their individual needs.


We recognise that reading is a key to all other learning and ensure quality phonics sessions are being taught using the whole school approach which combines Letters and Sounds and RWI. Both Nursery and Reception are taught phonics, Nursery have two adult led sessions weekly, with phase 1 activities incorporated into classroom practice and the continuous provision, whilst Reception have a daily adult led session, with immediate phonics interventions used to support pupils learning when required. This way of teaching is now in its fifth year, with results from the Year 1 Phonics screen showing that a very high proportion of children achieve the expected standard. “In early years and key stage 1, phonics is taught well. Teaching is structured and systematic. This enables almost all pupils to develop good phonics knowledge by the end of Year 2.” Ofsted 2019

In Reception children’s reading books are matched to their phonic ability and reading records are sent home to encourage parents to read with their child. Class stories are read on a daily basis to promote an enjoyment and love of reading.

Throughout the year there are special enrichment weeks that have a clear focus for example Arts week, Design and technology Week, STEM Week, Mental Health Week and Sports Week. These enrichment events enable the children to put their learning into practice in a variety of other situations and developing our pupils’ sense of belonging as the themes are approached as a whole school.

Parents are encouraged to be involved in their child’s learning through shared topic plans, home learning activities, WOW moments, curriculum workshops, stay and play sessions, parent consultation evenings and end of year reports. The EYFS Twitter page is used to celebrate children’s achievements and provides a regular insight into activities and learning opportunities in the EYFS provision on a daily/weekly basis.

In EYFS staff support transition from Nursery to Reception and Reception to KS1 by ensuring the activities we offer in Early Years are the building blocks to achieving their next steps and national Curriculum objectives in Year 1.  We work closely with colleagues, holding transition meetings to discuss our pupils’ abilities and learning needs, pass on tracking information and pupil progress reports. Children have the opportunity to meet their teacher and visit their new class for two days during transition week, ensuring they are familiar with their new learning environments.


Curriculum Impact


The EYFS provision at Amberley enables all our pupils from their varied starting points to achieve their full potential, all children will make good progress academically, emotionally, creatively, socially and physically.

“The quality of teaching in early years is strong overall. Staff provide an effective balance of adult-led teaching combined with provision where children choose activities for themselves to support their learning.” Ofsted 2019.

Our varied curriculum, well thought-out planning that builds on prior learning and our creative approach to activities (both adult led and in the continuous provision) encourage children to be reflective, engaged and enquiring learners.

We strive to ensure our children reach the Early Learning Goals at the end of Reception and are committed to supporting our children to achieve a good level of development in all areas of learning.  Our results at the end of Reception compare favourably to national averages and support transition into Year 1, year on year.

Measuring and monitoring the impact of our curriculum at Amberley takes on many strands. Early years staff reflect on activities, direct teaching and children’s engagement in the provision. As a result of this subsequent opportunities are adapted according to needs. Observations in each child’s Learning Journey feed into an online tracking tool to track pupil progress and identify any specific needs. This information is used in regular pupil progress meetings to plan next steps and create targeted interventions where appropriate.

We are committed to a cycle of CPD and training, regularly attending LA cluster meetings and moderation sessions as well as consulting with EYFS advisors in the Local Authority to ensure we offer the best possible practice within our EYFS provision. Feedback and initiatives from this cycle of CPD feed into our yearly school improvement action plan which drives areas for development. It is drawn up and agreed in an annual meeting with all staff and governors when the years achievements are celebrated and next steps are planned.

Welcome to Reception 2024- parent meeting ppt

Reception Virtual Tour

Still image for this video
This virtual tour shows you around our two Reception classrooms and the outdoor area at Amberley. We hope you enjoy having a look around Reception and encourage you to share this video with your child so they can see and talk with you about our EYFS environment.
Thank you for your time and considering Amberley Primary School.
Mrs Nichol

Nursery Welcome Booklet

Nursery Tour 2023

We hope you are excited to join us in Sept 2023. We cant wait to meet you!

Nursery Spring 1- Have a look at what we have been doing!

Nursery and Reception at Play and Learning

Nursery Admissions

We are currently in the process of allocating places for Nursery morning and afternoon sessions for September 2024. 

Morning sessions are 8:45- 11:45am

Afternoon sessions are 12:30-3:30 pm.

Please complete the admission form attached if you would like your child to be placed on the admissions register. Places will be allocated from the February prior to your child's September admission.


If you would like to come for a look around Nursery, please contact Mrs Nichol on 0191 8140970 to arrange for a visit.  


SEND Signposting in Early Years
