PSHE Whole School Statement
At Amberley, we want all children to leave our school:
Curriculum Intent
At Amberley Primary School we believe that Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education is an important and necessary part of all pupils’ education. At Amberley, through the delivery of high quality PSHE lessons, children will gain knowledge, understanding, attitudes, values and skills they will need in order to grow into emotionally intelligent, resilient and considerate individuals and members of the community.
Amberley teaching staff use Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) themes to underpin their planning and delivery of lessons and topics. Through this, the children gain a mindful approach to their learning and this gives them a stronger understanding of the wider world outside of Amberley, Killingworth and within modern Britain.
Curriculum Implementation
At Amberley our PSHE education is a subject which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to ensure they keep themselves safe and healthy and for them to prepare themselves for life and work in modern Britain. After interviews with children about the PHSE curriculum and what they feel it is important to learn and when, our curriculum is tailored to meet the needs of Amberley pupils.
To ensure we do this our PSHE curriculum is split into three strands: Health and Well-being, Wider World Well-being and Relationships and Sex education.
Each strand of learning ensures the children learn and challenge their views on:
· Personal hygiene
· Risk-taking attitudes
· Money
· Unacceptable and acceptable physical contact
· E-Safety and safety
· First Aid
· Bullying
· Self-esteem
· Stereotypes
· Celebrating diversity
· Puberty and growing older
This curriculum is delivered through weekly lessons and either evidenced through SeeSaw or in the whole class’ PSHE book which is a journey book for the class’ own reflection and consideration of the topic raised within the lesson.
Within PHSE lessons we use Diversity Champions to discuss and share culture differences- these Diversity Champions (which are changed every term) are carefully selected to match the needs of the year group. We believe, PHSE lessons are a perfect place to discuss diversity and a variety of needs. As our school is 95% white British, the need to share a variety of people from a variety of backgrounds is important.
At Amberley we are lucky to have many visitors visit our school to discuss topics such as racism, safety, bullying, anti-social behaviour outside of school and basic hygiene routines.
During year five and six the children learn and discuss puberty, menstruation and human reproduction. As a school we are aware of the sensitivity around this subject and we give parents/guardians a letter describing what is going to be taught, the opportunity for discussion about the lesson with the class teacher and the opportunity for the child to be not present during the lesson.
At Amberley we are aware of the children who may need support over subjects in PSHE they may find difficult or sensitive. We have a ‘THRIVE’ practitioner who works with these children during, after or before the lesson (as appropriate) to ensure the child is feeling supported.
Curriculum Impact
At Amberley, the children have access to a progressive and varied curriculum. This allows them to challenge their views on the world and reflect on their own behaviour and behaviour of others. We ensure our curriculum is tailored and impacts our children by regular pupil interviews where they are able to speak about PSHE and discuss their learning. As well as this, we ask for feedback from our Amberley parents and guardians, to ensure we are giving the highest quality and tailored curriculum. Book looks are very important in assessing the children's’ learning and the general delivery of high quality lessons.
The PSHE co-ordinator regularly attends meetings and training for subject leaders held by LA and feedbacks to the staff of new ideas and new information.