The Amberley Approach to Spelling
At Amberley, we believe it is of the utmost importance to give all of our children the tools they need to become great writers. From Year 1-6, children are taught spelling daily. These sessions focus not only on children practising spelling words taken from the National Curriculum, but also pattern-seeking and delving into the history of our language.
Within our teaching approach, children are giving the opportunity to discuss language, as well as exploring its origins. This allows them to gain a greater understanding of the word and its context, rather than just the spelling pattern it follows. Once children have been introduced to their spellings and have developed their knowledge of the vocabulary, they practise how to spell words through a variety of paired games and whole class activities.
Amberley Approach to Spelling
At the end of each week, children are assessed on their ability to spell the words they have studied. In each class, the spelling will be delivered within a dictated sentence to provide children with the context of the word. Children will then record these in their spelling book to be marked.
Where teachers have identified gaps in knowledge, they will set spellings accordingly.
Grammar and Punctuation
Grammar and punctuation is taught through both explicit and discrete teaching. This allows children to become confident in both recognising and naming punctuation and grammar devices, as well as using them effectively and successfully in writing.
At the start of each English lesson, children will complete a 'retrieval practice'. This is always based on previous learning and allows children to continually revisit the skills they need to become competent writers.
Grammar is also taught through discrete modelling. During the process of modelled writing, teachers 'think aloud' so children can hear their writing processes. This supports children in applying their understanding of grammar within the writing process.
To view the progression of spelling, punctuation and grammar from EYFS to Year 6, please see the progression map below.