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Amberley Primary School

Nurturing Innovation & Aspiration

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Out of School Club
House Points
  • Red 1077
  • Green 1227
  • Yellow 1094
  • Blue 1125
Attendance Board

September whole school attendance:

September attendance by class: Rec AG 96.1% Rec KH 95.6% Y1AB 97.6% Y1R/L 96.4% Y2MN 96.4% Y2CS 95% Y3MM 99.3% Y3HM 96.3% Y4DD 98.5% Y4ML 97.4% Y5BS 98.4% Y5LW 96.6% Y6LT 97.3% Y6LJ 94.9%

Find Us
  • Amberley Primary School,
  • East Bailey,
  • Killingworth,
  • Newcastle-upon-Tyne,
  • Tyne and Wear, NE12 6SQ
  • Mrs A. Coxon, School Business Manager
  • Miss E. Thompson, Admin Assistant
  • Mrs J. Harris, Admin Assistant

Amberley's Breakfast Club

At Amberley we have a very successful and busy Breakfast Club and we regularly have between 30-50 children accessing this provision each day. Recently we have extended our opening hours in response to parental feedback and we can now offer Breakfast Club from 7.30am. Children are offered toast, cereal and juice as part of our breakfast club offer. If your child has any special dietary requirements, please see staff who will be happy to help with this.


The club is now staffed by 3 of our own school staff who know the children very well. As well as breakfast, we offer a range of activities including games, puzzles and art. Each day groups of children get a chance to go outside for sports and games and into the IT suite where they can access suitable sites and programmes.


Charges. We believe our charges are competitive for 1 or 1.5 hours of child care:


  • 7.30am start:   £4.00 per child
  • 8.00 am start:  £3.00 per child


Please contact Mrs R Dickie, School Business Manager on (0191) 8140970 or complete the 'contact form' on this website if you are interested in a place at our breakfast club or for further information.
