Our Class Reader (Autumn 1)
Our current Year 6 class reader is 'The Book of Stolen Dreams' by David Farr.
We love the fast pace of the plot and have been enthralled in learning of Rachel and Robert's quest to obtain freedom for themselves and the rest of their country!
Next Up...
Autumn Term
History: 'How did World War 2 affect our local area?'
During Autumn 1, Year 6 studied World War 2 and the impact it had on North Tyneside. As well as understanding the key players within the Allied and Axis forces, we looked at evacuation, including some of the locations that children in nearby areas would have been sent to. We developed our understanding of how resources were both rationed and developed during the conflict, scrutinising the role workers played in North Tyneside, including the roles of women. Zooming in on 'The Battle of Britain' and 'The Blitz' helped us to understand how the conflict escalated and changed over time, as well as preparing us for our next enquiry question in Spring 1: 'Why were the D-Day landings a turning point in World War 2?'
Geography: Extreme Earth
During Autumn 2, Year 6 learn about extreme events that have occurred across the globe in recent years to develop their understanding of changing weather patterns and the human and physical impact that this can have. We make comparisons between the UK and countries around the world to explore how and why weather events are different depending on location.
Medium Term Plans
At Amberley, we follow the 'Spelling Shed' scheme.
Each week, spelling assignments will be available on 'Spelling Shed' to practise.
Your child will be notified of their new spellings weekly via 'SeeSaw'.
Each week, children will receive homework via 'SeeSaw'.
This will be given every Friday to be handed in the following Wednesday.
'SeeSaw' codes will be stuck into homework books at the start of the year.