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Amberley Primary School

Nurturing Innovation & Aspiration

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Out of School Club
House Points
  • Red 1077
  • Green 1227
  • Yellow 1094
  • Blue 1125
Attendance Board

September whole school attendance:

September attendance by class: Rec AG 96.1% Rec KH 95.6% Y1AB 97.6% Y1R/L 96.4% Y2MN 96.4% Y2CS 95% Y3MM 99.3% Y3HM 96.3% Y4DD 98.5% Y4ML 97.4% Y5BS 98.4% Y5LW 96.6% Y6LT 97.3% Y6LJ 94.9%

Find Us
  • Amberley Primary School,
  • East Bailey,
  • Killingworth,
  • Newcastle-upon-Tyne,
  • Tyne and Wear, NE12 6SQ
  • Mrs A. Coxon, School Business Manager
  • Miss E. Thompson, Admin Assistant
  • Mrs J. Harris, Admin Assistant

Inclusion & Pupil Premium




Amberley Primary School is a fully inclusive school who ensures that all pupils achieve their potential personally, socially, emotionally, physically and educationally. We are committed to ensuring all of our children have access to a high quality, broad, balanced and relevant curriculum. Inclusion looks at the needs of all pupils including children with specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, pupils with emotional and behavioural difficulties, girls and boys, EAL (English as an Additional Language) pupils, and pupils considered to be More Able and Looked After Children.We recognize that some children require additional support due to their assessed SEND, however we are also aware that, at any given time, within a child’s life, they may be in need of support in order to maximize potential.

Our SENDCO is Mr Antony Dawson. He is a member of the Senior Leadership Team and can be contacted as follows:

0191 8140970


Inclusion Policy

SEND coffee mornings

Parent coffee mornings 2023


This year we are planning to hold a SEND coffee morning every half term to give parents the chance to meet each other and share their advice and experiences. We are also hoping to have guest speakers at the coffee mornings. Our first guest speaker is going to be Lisa from the Connect Mental Health Team.





Tuesday 3rd October 20239amLisa from Connect Mental Health team to talk about supporting children's mental health.


If you couldn't make it, or if you feel like refreshing your memory, please find all handouts from previous Parent Workshops below!


Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)


In 2014, the 'Special Education Needs and Disability Code of Practice: 0-25 years' was introduced. The changes to the Code of Practice should lead to improved outcomes, with a stronger focus on high aspirations and expectations for children and young people with SEND.

The SEND Reforms place a statutory requirement on schools from September 2014 to make information available to parents about how the school supports children and young people with SEND.


We aim to ensure that all children are able to participate in the life and work of the school to the best of their abilities, whatever their needs.

A range of internal and external support staff provide additional help for children. We work closely with parents and carers whose children have special needs. We aim to identify any child who may need special provision as early as possible. Our Inclusion Lead is available to meet parents and discuss any concerns you may have.

SEND policy

SEND Support in Early Years

School entitlement offer to pupils with special educational needs or disabilties

North Tyneside Local Offer

For further information on services and support provided by North Tyneside more widely, please follow the link below:


Local SEND clubs and activities


One of our families has kindly put together this really useful list of different SEND clubs, activities and offers in the local area. There are some real hidden gems on the list!

Intervention Programmes


At Amberley Primary school, we want to make sure that all our children do as well as they can and achieve their full potential. The main way we achieve this is through providing quality first teaching day to day in the classroom, which caters for the varying needs of the children in the class.

Sometimes, an intervention may be necessary to further support a child's development within a particular area of the curriculum or to help them develop their social skills or self confidence and self esteem. As a school, we utilise a range of specific interventions for the core subjects of English and Mathematics and also for communication and pastoral care. These interventions may be one to one or in small groups. The intervention programmes we regularly deploy are available using the links below, although this list is not exhaustive.

Children are identified for intervention using a range of methods that include data tracking, (attainment and progress), teacher assessment, classroom observation and informal observations of the children in the classroom and in the playground.

It is important to note that children identified for intervention are not always lower attaining children. Children are identified across a range of groups and are selected when teaching staff and senior leaders believe they have the capacity for further or accelerated progress at a given point.

If your child is identified to work in one of our specific intervention programmes, you will be made aware of this by the class teacher and will be given an update on the impact of the intervention during parents evening. We may also invite your child to work as a supportive peer or role model in an intervention group, you would also be informed of this.

Pupil Premium at Amberley Primary School


Introduced in 2011, Pupil Premium is a sum of money given to schools each year by the Government to improve the attainment of disadvantaged children.

The funding is to help children who are eligible for pupil premium to narrow the gap between them and their classmates.


The level of current Pupil Premium support funding for 2023/2024 is as follows:


Disadvantaged pupils

Pupil premium per pupil

Pupils in Reception to Year 6 recorded as Ever 6 free school meals


Looked-after children (LAC) defined in the Children Act 1989 as one who is in the care of, or provided with accommodation by, an English local authority


Children who have ceased to be looked after by a local authority in England and Wales because of adoption, a special guardianship order, a child arrangements order or a residence order


Pupils in Reception to Year 6 recorded as Ever 6 service child or in receipt of a child pension from the Ministry of Defence.



All matters regarding the use of Pupil Premium funds are treated with discretion and in confidence.


If your child does not have Free School Meals but is eligible because of your family's income level you can register for meals online at or ring student support on 0191 643 2288


Even if you do not wish your child to have the meals , this would still mean that the school could claim the Pupil Premium funding available to help your child.


For further information about Pupil Premium follow the link below
