In the spring term of 2019, Amberley Primary undertook a full OFSTED inspection led by Michael Reeves.
The following is a brief overview of the findings. You can read the full report by following the link at the bottom of the page.
Inspection dates 6–7 February 2019
- Overall effectiveness: Good
- Effectiveness of leadership and management: Good
- Quality of teaching, learning and assessment: Good
- Personal development, behaviour and welfare: Good
- Outcomes for pupils: Good
- Early years provision: Good
- Overall effectiveness at previous inspection: Outstanding
Summary of key findings for parents and pupils
This is a good school
- There is a shared ambition across the headteacher, governors and staff to steer a course of ongoing improvement. Consequently, the school provides a rich curriculum which ensures that pupils achieve high standards at the end of each key stage and pupils’ personal development is very strong.
- Teachers have good subject knowledge. They plan and deliver work which matches pupils’ needs and interests effectively. Teaching assistants are skilled and deployed successfully. Consequently, over time, teaching has resulted in pupils achieving high standards in a range of subjects.
- Evidence in books shows that current pupils make good progress across the curriculum. This is because the quality of teaching is at least good and sometimes stronger.
- Leaders’ actions to address weaker progress found for middle-attaining pupils in the 2018 key stage 2 mathematics national assessment, have largely been effective. However, some of this work by leaders is not yet fully embedded.
- The needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well met. The knowledgeable inclusion manager ensures that these pupils receive well-tailored support. As a result, these pupils make at least good progress.
- Effective use is made of additional funding to support disadvantaged pupils. This mostly has a positive effect on their personal development and academic progress. Leaders’ actions to improve disadvantaged pupils’ outcomes in mathematics and grammar, punctuation and spelling have begun to have a positive effect.
- Well-structured and effective teaching of phonics from the early years and in key stage 1 ensures that, by the end of Year 1, pupils have strong phonics knowledge.
- Children make a strong start when they start in Nursery and they continue to make good progress through Reception. Sometimes where children choose learning opportunities these do not fully support their progress. Leaders regularly review the quality of the early years provision. However, leaders’ plans for further improvement are not sharp enough in places.
- Pupils’ personal development and welfare is a major strength. The rich curriculum, and opportunities for responsibility and links with industry and schools abroad, develop pupils’ citizenship qualities and widens their horizons.
- Staff expectations, caring, positive relationships and clear behaviour management approaches ensure that pupils’ behaviour is good.
Full Report